Ishika Jain
5 min readFeb 9, 2021

“The best inspiration comes from the application of ideas, not the consumption of them.”


Inspiration is temporary state and occurs in a moment. Inspirational moment is brief and beautiful. It is a specific instance or artifact that affects our thinking at a particular moment or in a particular way, to trigger the mutation of a concept.

While inspiration is not the same as effort, effort is an essential condition for inspiration, preparing the mind for an inspirational experience. Openness to Experience and positive affect are also important, as having an open mind and approach-oriented attitude will make it more likely that you will be aware of the inspiration once it arrives.

It’s easy to spend all day searching for inspiration. You can find incredible videos, articles, and news stories, and email them out to all of your friends. But the best type of inspiration comes from applying those outside It’s of motivation to your own goals.

Hearing about other people’s success isn’t the same thing as creating your own.

The best inspiration is application .The inspiration is not the receiving of information. The inspiration is applying what you’ve received. Be it fashion or science, successful people in all field soak up new information. They find inspiration and motivation in the work and success of others. Hence what is important is being a learner!

But is being inspired the end of the road? Is sitting on the couch watching an inspiring video enough for the sparking success story?

Inspiration is powerful, but it isn’t easy!

Consuming the success and ideas of others is passive inspiration. Every time you watch a video, read an article, or listen to an interview, you’re practicing passive inspiration.

Watching someone else’s success might leave you feeling excited for a few minutes, but taking action and applying a new idea to your life will inspire you more than anything someone else could say.

It is through the process of active inspiration the act of creating things, applying new ideas to our goals, and making mistakes that we discover who we are and what is important to us.

Passive inspiration can give you ideas, but active inspiration will give you momentum.

To convert the ideas into action is what matters. It’s about bringing the idea into life in your work! It’s about your strategies applied in your goals. It’s about the application and not just another inspiring instagram post, cause the application will always be more powerful than the idea!

People will always have the power to motivate you by their ideas but It’s only the power of your action that inspire you. A better self is always possible today, every day, for the rest of our time on this planet.

Unleash your personal power with few basic steps. Beat procrastination, over-come self-doubt, and turn your inspirations into action :

1. Take Notes:

The first step to turning inspiration into action is becoming an active reader or listener.

Don’t just read that book. Take notes. Highlight passages. Scribble stuff in the margins.

The idea is to do more than read words on a page or listen to them in your ear buds.

2. One at a Time :

Rather than spending 30 minutes reading through a list of inspiring quotes, pick one that really speaks to you. And use it. Get everything you can from it.

If you find a hobby that inspires you, pursue it.

The more you try to shove in your mouth at the same time, the harder it is to chew, the less you appreciate the flavor, and the more your stomach’s going to hurt later.

3. Write Out Steps:

When motivation does hit, don’t waste it. Start planning — whether it’s a business plan or an exercise plan.

And don’t just think it. Write it.

What’s the next thing you need to do? Break it down into small steps to make it more manageable.

Then get to work. Begin the first step. You might be amazed by how much easier it is to start working when you have it all in front of you, broken into small and easy steps.

4. Learn as You Go:

Don’t be paralyzed by perfection or the urge to know everything about everything before you start.

You can learn as you go. But the important thing is to start and to take consistent action. Focus on the next step. If you get stuck, figure it out. If you mess up, learn from your mistakes and try again.

5. Change Your Perception:

We live in an age of information overload. There are millions of blogs, millions of videos, and millions of books out there, all accessible with the click of a button. You don’t even have to put the foot rest down on your recliner.

Inspiration and knowledge are tools. They don’t do anything if you don’t use them.

“Nothingness of infinity still have million dreams of someone which have the limits to infinity but not of nothingness”

Imagine life being a part of a space mission… where your life ends at the planet you reach. Like the space shuttle which is built with great care and importance. Once it takes off we celebrate and then gradually it gets itself relieved of some parts to make it easy for it to move. When the shuttle reaches the planet successfully the makers of that thing feel relieved as there mission was completed.

Here space shuttle is us and the makers are everyone who are enabling us to move forward in life and reach our final destination. The planet is the success where our mentors, friends and family always wanted us to reach. Such is success where you have to leave everything and everyone behind to reach it. So do remember the moments when life played an important role to give you such people in life which led you to success.

Find what inspires you. And then do it. Don’t worry about the rest.

